The Position of Public Diplomacy and Soft Power in the Islamic World On the horizon of 1414 (2035)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in international relations at Nova University of Lisbon.


The emergence of political-security developments and instability in the Muslim world has all focused on the position of soft power and the communication of formal and identity groups as well as NGOs. Obviously, soft power in Islam is derived from divine values ​​that gives actors a promising role. This article attempts to introduce public diplomacy, which has a soft-spoken function in creating cross-national and international awareness and useful communications, as a factor in securing and facilitating political stability and ultimately democracy in Islamic countries. Shared values ​​that have been embedded in the power structure of different countries since the 1980s can help rebuild Islam's tarnished face in preventing violence and religious radicalism. It is clear that among the Islamic societies the tools of public diplomacy have been neglected and have been subjected to political games, which can be achieved by creating a reverse strategy of peace and stability






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